Request a Consultation for TZ SMArt Lockers


Request a consultation and learn more about TZ SMArt Lockers to see how they fit into your workplace transformation management plan.



Robust Software

Anyone can build a locker, we build technology solutions.

Designed in cooperation with world leading corporations, TZ offers a range of segment specific intelligent locker solutions that are built with feature rich capabilities, including contact-free access using a custom mobile app.


Easy Integration

Embracing IoT for whatever the future brings.

Designed on an open and extendable technology platform, our SMArt Locker systems can seamlessly integrate with external third-party systems such as building management, active directory, HR systems, security systems, email systems and mobile phone applications to manage the needs of today and tomorrow.


Purpose Built

Segment specific offering, design-led with major corporations around the world.

TZ delivers complete hardware and software intelligent lockers solutions that have been developed collaboratively with brand and industry leaders across wide range of market segments – corporations, universities, retailers, healthcare organizations, multi-family residences, and financial and government institutions.


Limitless Applications

Just imagine the endless applications.

The applications are nearly endless when it comes to secure, accountable pick-up, drop-off and storage of almost anything, anywhere, and at any time. Packages and regular mail. Sensitive documents. Controlled substances. Retail orders. Employee belongings. Shared company assets. Valuable medical equipment. Manufacturing and repair parts. Just imagine.